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Text blocks


You can easily add text blocks to the document using the Text button.



In the ribbon go to the Text button. The Text Blocks screen will open on the left side. In this screen text blocks can be created and managed. Of course it also offers the possibility to insert existing text blocks in the document at the place of the cursor.

Creating a new text block

Select the category Company or if present Personal and possibly a subfolder within this category. The new text fragment will be saved in the selected folder. Then select the text to be placed in the text block. This can be a text that has just been typed or a text in an existing document. A text block has no limitation in terms of size or content. It can contain 1 line of text, 3 to 4 rows of text, but also tables, graphs and/or images.

In the lower left corner of the Text Blocks screen, click New Text Block. In the screen that appears, enter a logical name for the text block and click on the OK button. After the text block has been saved, every employee within the organisation who has rights to the folder where the text block is stored, can use it.


Creating a favourite text block

If a text block is used frequently, it is practical to add it to the Favorite folder. Select the text block and right click on the heart symbol. In the same way a text fragment can be extracted from the Favorite folder.

Changing a text block

In the Text screen, select the text block to be modified. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the text block and in the drop-down menu click Edit. The text will open as a Word document. Change as needed, save the document and close it. Immediately after saving the text block, the modified version will be available within the entire organization.

Renaming a text block

In the Text window, select the text block to be renamed. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the text block and in the drop-down menu click Rename. Change the name in the screen that opens and close with the OK button.

Attention! If the text block is used in a dynamic model it is not recommended to change the name. If this is necessary, the text block must be added to the dynamic model again.

Deleting a text block

In the Text window, select the text block to be renamed. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the text block and in the drop-down menu click Delete. A message will appear asking you if you are sure you want to delete the text block. Click Yes to actually remove the text block.

Inserting a text block

Place the cursor in the document where you want to insert the text block. In the Text window, select the desired text block. You can insert it by double-clicking on the text block or by clicking on the circle with the arrow to the right, at the bottom right of the Text screen..







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